Architecture History
Architecture Books
Architecture Photography
Architecture Exhibitions
Dr. Felix Torkar is the Acquisitions Editor at
ȷovis Publishers in Berlin.
He is an architecture historian with a focus on 20th and 21st century architecture and design. His research centers on Brutalist architecture and its resurgence.
After earning a technical degree in photography at
BEST-Sabel, he studied art history at
FU Berlin (B.A./M.A.). An extended version of his master’s thesis has been published under the title
Apple Design: eine Analyse at
av edition.
As Curatorial Assistant at the
Deutsches Architekturmuseum, he worked on
SOS Brutalism and
Making Heimat (German Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016). He was also Production Manager for
Unbuilding Walls (German Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018) at
A recepient of a doctoral fellowship from the
Wüstenrot Foundation and an
Elsa Neumann Scholarship, he wrote his doctoral thesis on Neobrutalism at
FU Berlin.
In addition, he successfully
campaigned to save the “Mäusebunker”—a Brutalist building that once housed animal laboratories of the FU Berlin—from demolition.
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